Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Is it Real ?

Today is obviously May 12, 2048 - he is supposed to celebrate 70th birthday...but he is not...he never planned for it...he always believed he shall not live more that 40-45 years....but somehow...somewhere...something went wrong and too much correct and he continued to live...

:) teaser again...but this time I am gonna finish it :)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Again and Again....

I don't know how many times I shall be trying to refix my thought process again n again and realign my life with the Universe's consipiracy....

anyhow...have done something a hope to be able to align my own self better...Don't know how much I shall be able to succeed but success has never been a parameter for me to take a decision...

anyhow...details shall follow...but the only assertion I shall be making in here is that...I am doing all this is to reach wherein I have more time, energy and ability with you all folks....I have more and better control over life and able to predict with more accuracy (do I really desire to predict....but that another question)....anyhow...

Life is a celeberation... Live it... doesn't matter how you do it ...but do celeberate....

Friday, February 02, 2007

Where was I ?

Well, I was shifting house....Oh lord what a task it is....pack up everything...and then try to fix up every stuff....

The present condition is half of my stuff is lying at one friend's house and other half at other friend's home where I am why all the stuff and me are not at one place ... :) reason is simple...I didn't got the house to shift...still woodwork et al stuff is going on....

anyhow...what I was writing about....So since I have not fixed up things in new home...I shall talk about packing up the things....

Packing the household stuff in carton boxes...its almost like packing your life into boxes....each book, each utensil, each painting, each photograph from the wall, each and every piece from the show-case when it's picked's like you are picking a piece of life that was glowing with grace in the home and trying to pack it up into those dead cardboard boxes...yes it feels like all the synergy which was associated with the home is slowly & slowly getting engulfed by the ugly brown boxes...

Each moment which is spent in the house, I have ever left seems to be eternity, each memory seems to surround me, trying to pull me back and then fill in each pore in my heart with sentiments.

Anyhow....I am still a bit far from my own abode and the feel is slowly moving to become a goal.