Sunday, December 24, 2006

Learn it by Heart

I know these already, but sometimes, since I misplace trust some of the times, I need to remind these again and again to myself.

1. If you want to keep secret, keep it to yourself.
2. If you shall feel pain in sharing something, never ever show or talk about it to anyone, with whom you do not want to share it.
3. Whatever personal info thy shall share with any of colleague or friend or anybody, He or She is bound make professional use of it.

Need to Follow these more strictlyand then only I believe I shall be bit more happy.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas da.

    I completely agree with you.

    I practise writing on the paper the woes which I wanted to share with others. When I cool down I read same stuff & feel so stupid of me.
    After cultivating this habit I make myself less stupid in front of others.:-).

    Now I strongly believe that one should not to expose thier secrets, negative feelings towards life, which in turn fuel others criminal thoughts instead helping oneself.
