Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's Written...or It's Free Will

होईं वही जो राम रचि राखा ....
वही होता है जो मंजूरे खुदा होता है

Both of the sayings above translates to same thing ....
It's written...somewhere...by somebody...it can be your Raam, or your Khuda...whomsoever it is ...He has alrready written it....

then why do we all fight with it all the time...why do not we accept whatever comes to us...or Do we try to prove anything...by not accepting it... ???

What is it that keeps me rolling...or u rolling ahead...or take back...the steps already moved...??
Do you know...? or Do I know...? I feel...I know some of it....
It's the "Free Will"....While writing our destiny...He himself granted the free will...It's the same free will, that makes us to makes choices....everytime...all the time...that is why we agree to disagree with what is already written..try to prove otherwise and most times...though we might not be making any difference to the result ...but what we do really is that we change the perception...we make it feel to us that...this has happened coz we did made that choice...

It is you, yourself and your own ego that decides the Success or Failure....

Both the above thoughts arrive in words from the movies
1. Slumdog Millionaire - It's written...
2. LuckByChance - We conclude Success or Failure... Success or Failure हम तय करते हैं। We decide Success or Failure...

Sunday, February 01, 2009


Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good, is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.
One of the biggest problems of the world is that the stupid ones are damn sure and the intelligent ones are full of doubts!