Who wrote my destiny ?
Who encrypted it ? With what Cipher ?
At few instances it is cleartext before me and even before I can recognize it, I am engaged to another ciphered stanza to be deciphered.
The most puzzling curiosity before me is "Who Signed it ?"
It's definately written onto the official letterhead of
"The Almighty", but the
signature it holds is of
"The Devil" himself.
The text on the
embossed Emblem seems to be again from the
"Office of Angels", but the demarcations on both margines are
RED in colour and
BLOOD drips from the corners.
The handwriting is
Cursive, "Royal Blue", on silver white cloth, with fragrance of Roses.
Language is aggressively royal and style is poetic.
The tag holes are marked with
"Envy Green" Circles and uncertainity certainly peeps from behind.
I had to sign the reciept of the same from the blood oozing out of the heart of my soul, and acknowlege his authority and keep my smile.
to be continued.......