Now I donot have to use "hello" to post in pics. The interface has the link.
Do not have to identify the html tags to align the text. The interface has buttons similar to MSWord.
I can even COLOR the Text
There are so many new fonts to try upon and what's best - Yes Dear - The keyboard Shortcuts...this shall make blogger's life simple and blogging a pleasure.
That day me and one of my friend were talking about these key board shortcuts and the talk then lead to Shortcuts we take to reach somewhere in life...and then the talk finally ended in identifing shortest possible ways to lure a gal ;-)
I don't know Why our talks always end up talking about gals or should I say talks lead to new talks about gals...
Hey Gals !! Is it so with u ppl too, I mean Yr talks lead you to talk about Guys.
So what do Gals talk about most ?
For Guys I am Sure !!
Whenever they are with Guys only, they talk about Gals and whenever they have a Gal, They try their best to Talk ;-) Gals Never let them to do so...
So Kafi Baker ho gayi hai....
Chalo Shall put a meaningful post soon or say another senti stuff....
I shall soon have a news to share and also some of the latest happening in my life....keep visiting ....